About Us
GoldKeys24k has been operating in the mining industry since February of 2019, focussing mainly on the search, exploration, extraction and enrichment of ores of precious (noble) metals and other minerals.
The company is currently building a stream of gold royalties with an extensive portfolio of mining projects across Zimbabwe and Southern Africa. Currently we have equity in 14 mines, our goal is to expand our royalties to more than 50 mines by the beginning of 2024.

Since 2019 the company has produced:
101oz Au
69oz Cu
31oz Ag
150t Li ore
The GoldKeys24k journey began with artisanal mining in the notorious gold town of Mazowe, initially the company set up a milling station in the mountain to crush gold ore from local shafts, collecting the silt left over from milling for carbon in leech extraction of Au. With such infrastructure and presence in the mountain the team began to search and explore the land, sponsoring artisanal mines and eventually opening shafts throughout the area.
Following the success in Mazowe the GK24k team was approached by the owner of a mine in Norton - Chris Chibwana. Chris had heard about the teams efficiency and was keen to partner on his mine. Seeking investment and mining consultancy, Chris approached the GK24k team with a 49% share in his mine in exchange for working capital to make the project run and a new strategy for production.
After a site visit the team concluded that the samples of Au in ore on the main shaft (Watergate) were substantial enough to initiate operations. Due to mass production in the past, there was nearly 600t of silt ready for leeching on the ground at Chris' mine. The team decided that rather than endure excessive costs for transporting dump to the local leeching tanks, a more lucrative investment would be to build carbon in leech (CIL) tanks on the ground and run 150t dump every 14 days.
The GK24k team were now spending a substantial amount of time in Norton, local miners began speak of the success at Chris' mine, and before long the GK24k team were approached by another mine owner seeking investment. Following a site visit and geological testing the GK24k team opened another milling station and contracted excavators to open cast a mine opposite the Kintyre Estate.
As time went on the team began to look for more opportunities across the country, taking trips up to 600km to survey and prospect land in anticipation of potential deals. Not all exploration has been successful, but after 3 years of searching, prospecting and production, GK24k now has a resilient, diverse portfolio of royalties across 14 projects in Zimbabwe.
Meet The Team
Our Partners

Search and Prosper have a collection of 12 of the leading geological scanners, combined with the leading scanning software. The company own two diamond core drilling machines, which allow the extraction of ore at up to 300m, giving accurate samples of deposits on the detected belts. Search and Prosper is set to be the leading geological survey company in SADC by 2025.

Infinite Ore provide mine planning, equipment and workforce to create systems of sufficient operation on the ground. Infinite Ore employ some of the most experienced and talented miners across the country and use top of the market equipment, making them our go to consultants in the mining sector.

When it comes to milling, leeching and elution services, we look no further than Au Processing. With more than 5 years experience in the industry, Au Processing are equipped with the knowledge and practice of crushing, extracting and processing gold, making them the aficionado's of the industry.